Occult 45
Welcome to Occult 45! With Evan Dëë. On this show we’ll be discussing all things occult, conspiracy, psychedelics and DMT, hidden history, different dimensions, ancient civilizations, cryptozoology and much more. Thanks for checking it out! I hope you take something from this and share with friends and family.
Occult 45
Hidden In Plain Sight | Moral Bob . Flat Earth . Inter-dimensional Beings . Communicating through the Mind
Evan Dëë
Season 1
Episode 13
Episode #13- Welcome back to Occult 45. In this one Moral Bob from the Hidden In Plain Sight Podcast joins me! He's a great dude with an open mind and a great show. We talk flat earth truth, globe madness, Antarctica, alien gene doctors, erasing the past, mud flood, Tesla, dinosaurs, waters above and chemtrail sky fuckery! We hit it all! Thanks for listening and thanks Bob.
Hidden In Plain Sight: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-in-plain-sight/id1507833371
Occult 45 on Alt Media United: https://altmediaunited.com/occult-45/
Contact me: evandeeoccult45@yahoo.com